order out of chaos


Who are we:

The founder and CEO of O3C Academy Ltd., Nicolas Themistocli, has spent almost 40 years in senior investment and trading functions and in that time has trained and coached many traders within an institutional framework. His most recent role was as Chief Investment Officer at a large German Asset Manager. Nic has trained numerous traders through the years.

You can find his profile on

His know-how and experience extends to Banking, Asset Management, Trading and Portfolio Management.

Nicolas is assisted in the teaching at O3C Academy by Graham “Harry” Cross.

Harry has over 30 years investment and trading experience in the markets to complement his current role as a tutor/consultant and derivatives trader.

See profile on

What is our goal:

There is much confusion about savings and the stock market. Many people seem to believe that the road to wealth is by simply investing in stocks. And if you do, you will achieve financial freedom.

The first thing to remember is that there is a difference between saving for retirement or trading for a living. The skills you need for these two goals are very different, however both these goals require knowledge of financial markets and financial instruments.

Whatever your goals, saving for retirement is not an afterthought. If you want to have a comfortable retirement, then you need to reach certain levels of savings from the age of 30 until you retire. Unfortunately, as financial training is not part of normal school curriculum, so the risk is that by the time you think about your retirement needs, the gap between your savings and what might be necessary to give you the standard of living you require, is just too wide to catch up.

What if you were saving to buy a house, will investing in stocks get you anywhere near your goal in a reasonable period of time?

So let's take an example. Let's say stocks give you a return of 7% per annum. After 10 years you would have doubled your money. Over 20 years you would have multiplied your money by almost four. This is really useful for long term investors but is you start with 100,000 of your currency, that means you need to lock up that money and wait a long time for that money to double and even longer to quadruple.

That does not sound bad, but what if you are saving for a house, will your income from work be enough to put down a deposit or will the doubling of your initial 100,000 in 10 years really help you?

Then of course, there are those who would like to trade for a living. The statistics are not on your side, as the vast majority fail in some way. Either they lose money or they barely break-even so maintaining this path becomes impossible. Understanding how markets work becomes more important here. 

Even if you are good enough to make a decent return on your savings or trading, perhaps market conditions were on your side for a while. The problem is that markets aren‘t always smooth. So you need to know how to recognise changes in market conditions and how to handle volatile market environments. 

So what exactly are we saying?

Firstly, there are too many people who are active in the financial markets as a way to invest for the future but do not understand enough about them. A little knowledge is really a dangerous thing at times.

Secondly, you can learn about how to manage different pots of your money, from the diversified investment pot to the speculative pot and also the income generating pot.

We want to teach you in all aspects of finance that you will need to manage your money and we will also teach you what approach you need to take and what you need to learn so that you can generate life changing returns

Nic and Harry not only understand portfolio management, trading, technical analysis and option trading, they have applied these skills in their professional life. 



Training at the O3C Academy

O3C Academy

Managing Your own Wealth and Investments.

O3C Academy offers training programs for those who want to learn more about the financial markets and seek financial freedom by being more in charge of your wealth.

Investing your wealth is never easy. Ask a Fund Manager how tough this is. Many statistics out there will tell you that more than 80% of Funds do not beat their investment Benchmark. So finding the right manager who you trust, charges a reasonable fee and who can look after your wealth effectively is difficult.

We believe that almost anyone can learn the skills to take charge of their wealth. So what do you do if you have money sitting in a bank account, earning next to nothing while inflation eats away at your life savings.

People tend to fall into two camps. Those who just want to invest for the long term and are more passive, making occasional changes to their investments and adding protection occasionally versus those who want to sit in front of the screen regularly to make money from their wealth as a living.

The more passive approach limits your returns to that which is offered by the market but still requires learning how the markets work and how to structure your savings. The more active approach can deliver life changing results but requires much more in depth learning, dedication and discipline. Neither approach guarantees success, but you have to decide which approach suits you best.

Even if you choose to work with a Wealth Manager, having a basic knowledge of the markets is just as important so that you understand better what the Wealth manager is saying and doing.

O3C Academy can help you whatever approach you choose to take. You can learn the following:

Managing your own Wealth and Investments

If you are managing your own investments, it makes sense to understand how the markets function to put you into a better position to Structure and Manage your own investments. Our Basic Training course is geared to ensure you understand better how the markets work and how you can use this information to manage your investments.

Managing your own Wealth and Investments is a 3-Day program which includes the following Modules:

  • Macro Economics

  • Equity Valuation

  • Basic Options for hedging

  • Basic Technical Analysis

  • Portfolio Management

  • How to look at Investment Risk

  • Active and passive investment funds

  • Goals based Investing versus Risk based investing

Classes will be a for minimum of 5 participants and a maximum of 20.

If you are interested please use the Contact us form below to register your interest. We will keep you updated on timing and venue possibilities.

Learning How to Trade

For whatever private reason you may have, choosing to trade for a living is not something that should be taken lightly because statistically the odds are not in your favour that you will succeed. Nevertheless, if you do succeed, the rewards can be life changing. For this reason, we have put together a course to give you the basic knowledge that you will need before you start and to help you understand what it takes to succeed.

  • Learning How to Trade is a 5-Day program includes the following Modules :

  • Introduction to Financial Maths

  • Macro Economics

  • Equity Valuation

  • Understanding Options

  • Technical Analysis

  • The investment Process

  • Money Management

  • Wrap-up with demo trading

During the following 5 weeks, following completion of the 5 Day course, there will be five 90 minute weekly telco/video call where students can ask those key questions where they want further clarity or assistance. 

If you are interested please use the Contact us form below to register your interest. We will keep you updated on timing and venue possibilities.

We are also in the process of building an e-learning suite of videos for those who prefer online tuition.

We also offer one-to one coaching.

Next phase after your course:

This is not the end of the process with O3C Academy. We are looking to develop the training further to build a community of students who want to stay connected to students of the O3C Academy. This will help you exchange thoughts with like minded traders.

We are also looking to build a Special Membership. The idea is to put forward trade ideas and market insights to support you with your trading and investing. More on this topic will be made available at a later date.

Learn how to use Elliott Wave to improve your trading

We will be launching a 10-week 90 mins per week seminar to learn Elliott Wave and how to use it in Trading markets.

Nicolas Themistocli has used Elliott Wave since 1994 and is a Certified Elliott Wave Analyst.

Please get in touch for more information. 

Gain more confidence

in your investments and trading

Be equipped

with the necessary skills to analyse markets

Learn how to read the markets

Do not fall for training from those who have never done it as a profession

One to One coaching

A one-on-one Coaching to explain to you what your wealth manager is doing, get you asking the right questions and give you enough knowledge so that you can understand what the Wealth manager is saying to you. You should have at least Eur/GBP 500,000 with a Wealth Manager at a minimum to justify this type of coaching. Please contact us if you feel this is of interest to you.

Soft Skills

Sometimes traders and investors need more than education to succeed. They might need to structure their thinking or get into good habits or avoid bad habits. Whatever it is, if you dont feel confident in what you are doing, talk to one of our Consultants to see if we can help.

Instutional Training

If you have staff which need training in the financial markets, come an talk to us about your needs. We are keen to make sure that what we teach is tailor made for the goals of your staff and your Institution.

Contact us

Any questions, then complete the Contact form and we will be in touch.
O3C Academy Ltd
England and Wales
Registered Office:
71-75 Shelton Street
Covent Garden

Tel +44 (0)207 222 3030

VAT Number: GB 456 9832 43